Becoming Catholic consists of four periods of faith formation which are marked by specific steps that celebrate what has been completed and call a person forward into the next phase of their faith.
Inquiry: The Inquiry sessions are a chance for you to share with others in a safe and welcoming space your faith journey, your questions, and to discern what it is that God is calling you to in your life. In this way we can also share with you our Catholic faith, community, values, and worship. We are here to answer your questions, share our faith, and walk with you during this phase of your journey.
The Catechumenate: The 'Catechumenate' marks the longest period of the process of becoming Catholic. Guided by a reflection on Bible scriptures proclaimed each Sunday, the catechumenate fosters a deeper awareness of God's presence in our lives, heightens involvement in the worship life of the community, and extends the love of God to others in service.
Purification and Enlightenment: Coinciding with the church's liturgical season of Lent prior to Easter, those preparing for the sacraments of initiation participate with the entire community in purifying and enlightening themselves through prayer and reconciliation in preparation for the Easter celebration and Jesus resurrection.
'Mystagogy': A time of deeper understanding of the Paschal mystery. The distinctive spirit and power of the period of mystagogy derive from the new, personal experience of the sacraments and of the community. Like a honeymoon, this period marks and celebrates the beginning of a new life together with the Church. It continues the meditation on the Gospels, participation in the life of the Church, and the discipleship begun in the Catechumenate.